Food & Drink

Profile: Cornish Seaberry Company

In our next edition of our profile series, we speak to Seth Pascoe, co-owner of the Cornish Seaberry Company. He uses the unique and colourful fruit of the sea buckthorn, found wild along our coastline, to make a wide array of products, and to raise awareness of the fruit’s health benefits.

How did the Cornish Seaberry company start?

Our backstory (in brief) is a chance encounter with seaberries in the Himalayas when trekking – especially around its positive effects on altitude sickness, which we found to be highly beneficial! This sparked the curiosity that led to us planting some in Cornwall when we got home. A more in-depth version of this story is on our website

What are your main aims?

Essentially, we just want to raise awareness of this fruit and its health properties. Soon, we are going to launch our own beverage using seaberries, which is exciting!

Why is this important?

Well, as a society we are largely overfed and yet under-nourished. The disconnect between eating/drinking and our health has been growing at an alarmingly fast rate. If one thing positive has come from the pandemic, it’s that people have begun to take more of an interest in their diet and their health. Eating and drinking Cornish seaberries fit right into this.

How can people support what you’re doing?

Visit our website at to find out more about us, and be sure to join the conversation on Twitter and Instagram @cornishseaberry. 

We sell our seaberries to various 3rd parties for use in other products (some not so healthy!)

You can find a full list of these here:

Colwith Farm Distillery
Sorbet (currently exclusively available at Duchy Nursery, Lostwithiel)
Various chefs & restaurants
Driftwood Spars Brewery (seaberry saison)
Gathered Botanicals (jellies)
Ma Naturals (skin care)
Apple Organic (fruit leather snacks)

What does the future hold for the Cornish Seaberry Co?

We are very close to being able to launch our own juice product ‘VitaminSea’. It’s a blend of seaberry and apple juice, delivering 69% of your daily Vitamin C and 19% of your Vitamin A.

We are also investigating a route to market for a powdered seaberry format – for sprinkling in yoghurts, smoothies or on your porridge etc. After that we want to explore the skincare market more – seaberries contains all 4 omega oils and a lot of omega 7, which is very good for our body’s biggest organ – our skin! 

We are a very small fledgling business, but the ambition is to make this a standalone success and ideally turn it into my day job.

Watch this space! Many thanks for Seth at Cornish Seaberry for speaking to us.

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