
EPIC Health

EHealth Productivity and Innovation in Cornwall’ (EPIC) is an ERDF-funded project led by the University of Plymouth. Working with SMEs and Start-Ups in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (CIOS), they help develop products and services to improve health and care in the region.

Health services in Cornwall are affected by the rural nature of the County, the difficulty of travelling to where health and care is delivered, and the changing and growing needs of our population. E-Health and Digital Technologies can alleviate some of these problems, connect people and services, provide early warnings, monitor the vulnerable, and improve the productivity of staff and services – all of which will benefit Cornwall. EPIC is seeking to establish an E-Health community of practice in CIOS that will be influential, innovative and attract like-minded businesses to the region.

EPIC aims to work with 80 SMEs in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly sharing academic expertise, helping to evaluate trials, demonstrate ‘proof of concept’ for original ideas and provide advice and guidance for new businesses, introducing them to appropriate sources of business support and finance.  

EPIC will directly engage with over 150 SMEs through events and other contacts. EPIC will also fund 35 SMEs with grants to develop their ideas and products. EPIC is also engaging with international organisations attracting them and their products to CIOS. To date, EPIC has worked with companies from Finland, Sweden, France, Spain, Israel, Australia, and Singapore.  

EPIC aims to bring new products to market, generate new employment and establish new businesses in the E-Health and Digital Health sector in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

If people are interested in learning more, EPIC’s website has just launched at, or you can email

Additionally, you can visit the Digital Ambitions Conference on 19th October, 9:00am – 1:00pm, at the Health and Wellbeing Innovation Centre at Treliske in Truro:

EPIC is working to leave a legacy after the ERDF funding expires in 2023 so that the support for new ideas and business in the E-Health sector continues and that the expertise of the academics and business support team that makes up EPIC is not lost but continues to make Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly a centre for innovation and development.

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